Gin Rummy, the classic two-player card game you know and love. Gin Rummy offers four levels of difficulty, four unique game modes as well as extensive statistics tracking. It is an unparalleled game play experience!
Play with your friends on the go with new turn-based online play. Invite a friend or get matched to a random opponent. Play up to 30 games simultaneously. Make moves on your own time. Better yet, Gin Rummy lets you know when it’s your turn!
Features include:
• Realistic gameplay and graphics
• Intuitive single player gameplay
• 3 difficulty options and more coming soon!
• 4 game modes: Regular, Oklahoma, Straight and Hollywood!
• 6 unique Themes!
• Extensive Statistics, including games and hands breakdown.
• Play online with up to 30 friends or opponents at the same time
Customer Reviews:
“Easily the cleanest and most impressive Gin Rummy app out there. Trivial Technology does it again.”
“5 stars! If you like Gin Rummy you must own this app.”
"The best iPhone card game I’ve ever played. Thank you!”
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